
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Living Willow Weaving - Workshop

Over the past couple of years I have been working with living willow creations, making "potted trees" for use in the garden, on the patio, at your front door, or anywhere you would like a small ornamental tree. After a season or two it is transplanted to the garden as it gets too "crammed" in the pot.
I am holding two workshops here for anyone who would be interested in participating, making their own tree or two. Two different "models" will be taught with choice of using different willow varieties for the trees:

A "basic" twisted tree (with variations), simple and classy. As the tree grows the 9 willow whips used to create the "twist" will - as they grow and expand - eventually grow together and look like a thick rope.

A "fancier" "Harlequin" tree. The pictures show use of a few different willow varieties as well as both summer and fall foliage of Salix koriyanagi 'Rubykins'. The willow whips in the "trunk" on this tree will also over the years fuse together as they grow.

Workshops scheduled:
Saturdays April 10 and April 17, 2010.
Start 10 a.m. Length of the workshop will depend on "model" and number of trees.
11770 Lakeshore Rd, Wainfleet
There's a $ 10 cover fee + cost of materials: Twisted tree $ 35.00, Harlequin tree $ 115.00
Bring your own lunch. Coffee, tea, and water is on me.
Please contact me by mail (find it under "Who is Salix" on left panel) to sign up or if you have any questions about the workshops.
Hope to see you there.

Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Looking for willow cuttings for sale?

I had a plan........
My web-site was going to be up and running long time ago and among other things it would have information about willow cuttings for sale! didn't happen.......yet.......
So, if you are looking to buy willow cuttings I want you to know that - here in a country corner of Southern Ontario, Niagara - I have some for sale.

The image is from winter/spring 2009 and I used it in my post in May about willow cuttings.
Some of the cuttings have small roots developing already - that's the small white "knobs" that are visible on some.
Not everything goes according to plan.......I also wanted to post more about my willow varieties, but only 3 posts are up: Salix alba+, Salix koriyanagi 'Rubykins', and Salix 'Americana' and Salix purpurea 'Streamco', but that doesn't mean they are the only ones that I offer cuttings from.
For now, I have to refer you to my list of varieties, posted in the left column on the blog.
My 2010 prices are as follows:
 5 cuttings of a variety $   7.50
10 cuttings of a variety $ 12.50
20 cuttings of a variety $ 20.00
Minimum order is $ 20 and the cost of shipping will be added.
If you have any questions or would like to place an order, please send me a mail (you find my e-mail address under "Who is Salix?" on the left, by my picture.
Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.