
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

First day of spring - really?

... more like summer. Over 25 degrees celcius here today and everything is oozing summer. The birds are frantic and the frogs in the pond are incredibly loud. Shrubs are starting to leaf out ...

So spring is definitely here and the living willow workshops are on. With this weather I have added this Saturday March 24th to the schedule of workshops so if you cannot wait to garden (but your garden isn't ready yet) come on out and create a masterpiece for the garden.

Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Internationally known Danish willow artist and basket maker at Lakeshore Willows, Wainfleet, Ontario

The very old craft of willow weaving has during the last couple of decades been revived by enthusiastic weavers throughout Europe. More and more people are making this - once a matter of making practical vessels - into an art form creating beautiful baskets, sculptures, huge land art and living willow installations.

The willow craze hasn't hit North America however, and it seems that willow weaving is still taking the back seat to other basketry forms such as rattan reed, grapevine, pine needles, grasses and sometimes other hedgerow materials including wild willow.

We do have very talented willow basket makers and artists in North America, but they are few and even with the help of the Internet can be difficult to find. Even more than that, you often have to travel far to be able to attend a class. 

Examples of Anne Mette Hjoernholm's baskets

Last year on a trip to Denmark I visited the very talented and accomplished basket maker Anne Mette Hjørnholm. Anne Mette is an internationally known willow artist and teacher and will be teaching a 2 day course here at Lakeshore Willows, Wainfleet, Ontario on May 26 and 27, 2012.
The course is structured so beginners as well as intermediate and advanced basket makers can participate and learn at different levels.
The images are all from Anne Mette's gallery and examples of designs for our upcoming class. Please visit her gallery to see more of her beautiful work.

Anne Mette is also teaching classes this year at Stowe, Vermont in June where all her classes are sold out - with waiting lists.

If you are interested in participating in this class and want to know more, please drop me a line at lakeshorewillows at gmail - but you have to be quick as the class is filling up fast.

Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.