
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My willow story

A month ago I was contacted by Jennifer Elliotson. She is the one many people know as the woman behind the HandMade Market here in Niagara which she produces along with her husband.
Or you may know her from her very successful years as a florist, owning Mimosa Flower Studio.
Jennifer contacted me because she - along with photographer Nataschia Wielink - has started "The Abstract Project" interviewing and photographing artists and wondered if I would participate. 
Of course. I was thrilled that they found my story interesting and one day in May they both came to Lakeshore Willows to talk and take some photos.
The first of two articles can be seen at Cherries in the Sun .
After Jennifer's first visit to Lakeshore Willows, she decided that she wanted to make a willow basket and she turned out to be a natural when she was here last week for a workshop.
Jennifer with her very first basket
She really loved my big log basket!

It was wonderful and very inspirational to get to know Jennifer. In Cherries in the Sun you get inspiration from this very (multi) talented, energetic and curious life-loving person.
Thank you Jennifer.
Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.