
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wickerwork and Willow - a "New Trend"?

An on-line journal "The Statement" - The monthly e-zine for the professional designer - has published an article about wickerwork and willow under ideas for design, featuring an image and link to my blog.
I am always excited when some of the many uses of willow are promoted as I, obviously, believe there is a great potential, not only in traditional basket making, but also in modern art and design.

Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.


  1. Thats great, congratulations with that. I agree, in fact I think that it is starting to become very popular again, even in contemporary gardening.

  2. Congratulations Lene on your wonderful article and photos in The Statement newsletter! Very informative and beautifully done!

    The Wicker Woman-Cathryn Peters

  3. Thank you both for your comments.
    Cathryn, I was contacted a while ago for my permission to use my image for the article and I think too, that they did a good job.

  4. Lene, det var totalt forbigået min opmærksomhed, at du kommer fra Mors. Jeg ved ikke hvorfor, men jeg har flere gange, når jeg har set hvad du har skrevet/svaret, tænkt på, om du mon kom fra "min" del af Danmark, hvilket du jo gør ☺.
    Det vil være dejligt, hvis du kunne få tid til at fortælle om din hverdag i Canada. Jeg nyder at læse om, hvordan livet leves andre steder på jordkloden og da især, hvis det er en dansker der sidder bag tastaturet. Tak fordi du fortalte mig det, det er jeg glad for.

  5. My eighty-nine year old mom who lives in Nova Scotia makes baskets and so I am a fan of willow. My favorite basket that she did for me is made of red osier.
    Congratulations on your article.

  6. Thank you Jennifer. Your mom still makes baskets at eighty-nine? Amazing.

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