
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Willow bird feeder visited

The anticipated snowstorm dumped a pile of snow here today and it has been very busy at the bird feeder.
I have feeders in three different sizes, the biggest one too big for hanging in a rope or chain. In the spring we will place a pole in a flowerbed for mounting one in addition to leaving one on the deck, mounted on a rod placed in a sturdy umbrella-foot.
For now, so that we can enjoy the birds - and they can eat - during winter, we have placed one on top of our fire pit.

Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.


  1. Oh that is just beautiful Lene!!! Well done!!

  2. Lovely, do you sell instructions for the birdfeeders, I'm in Alberta so too far to come for classes...

  3. Thank you, Eve. I know that you love birds and are very knowledgeable about them. I am learning (slowly) about the different ones in our garden.

  4. Thank you, Sue. I sell the feeders, but didn't plan on selling instructions. Send me a mail at salixlene(at) and we'll discuss it.

  5. Great photo! The red cardinals make it perfect.

  6. RedTwigBrownTwig, thanks. Yes, the cardinals are so beautiful - perhaps even more in the snow. Yesterday I saw a couple at one time (both males)at this feeder; other days there have been several of both sexes at one time.

  7. Beautiful photos, Lene! I like the way you have caught the birds in flight. The colours are a true winter composition.

  8. These are so gorgeous! I'e been following your blog for awhile and love your willow creations. If you ever do decide to sell instructions, I'd sure love to know :)

  9. Weaving Willow, thank you, my friend. Sitting in the office watching the heavy snow fall and the birds - it was like a winter post card.

  10. Rhonda, thank you for your nice comment. I have been thinking about selling willow kits for the feeders - with instructions - but decided against it so far. If I change my mind, I will certainly post it on my blog.


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