Monday, May 12, 2014
Willow Basketry Classes in Ontario with Renowned Danish Basket Makers
If you haven’t signed up yet for classes with the Danish basket makers visiting in June, now is the time to do it.
In June Ane Lyngsgaard and Eva Seidenfaden will be teaching for 3 days on the 17, 18 and 19th.
We have a couple of spots left for each class… (Class description when you click on the highlighted name above)
These professional, experienced Danish basket makers are known internationally for their skill, incorporating and transforming traditional techniques into new designs.
In addition to the previously announced program for Eva's 2-day class, you will have the opportunity to work on a more traditional round or oval willow basket with a woven base - learning new techniques or adding new details to techniques that you already know. Take a look at the Gallery at Eva's website to see some of her amazing work and for inspiration.
Baskets made during Eva's 2-day class will be of many different sizes, shapes, weaving techniques, handles, borders etc as participants choose what they want to make/learn guided by Eva, paying attention to the individual's prior experience.
Send me a mail at or via the contact form at my website Lakeshore Willows if you need more information about the classes before you sign up.
Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.