What an amazing opportunity! One of Europe's most talented willow artists - Anne Mette Hjornholm - will be visiting Lakeshore Willows again this summer to teach willow basketry classes..
If you like willow basketry, you don’t want to
miss out on this unique opportunity to
learn from this very talented willow artist. 4 classes with Anne Mette have
been scheduled:
Friday, July 19th 2013
Saturday and Sunday July 20th-21st,
2013 (2-day class)
Monday and Tuesday July 22nd-23rd,
2013 (2-day class)
Wednesday, July 24th, 2013
During the 6 days of classes a wide variety of designs and techniques will be taught and your project will be tailored after your preferences and skill level.
Each class will have a theme
(click on photos to enlarge)
Friday the Tatza basket is taught. This is also called a Polish Bread basket. You will make 2-3 baskets of this type during this one day class.
Saturday and Sunday a wide variety of designs of baskets and purses made on a Catalan base will be available for you to choose from.
Monday and Tuesday again, a wide variety of designs of baskets, trays and sculptural designs "frame baskets with or without frames" will be available for you to choose from.
Wednesday you will learn the
Burkina technique and make 2-4 small, charming baskets at this one day class.
More information about the classes - and a registration form - can be found under the tab "Hjornholm 2013 class" at the top and don't forget to check out Anne Mette's web-site Hjornholm Pil - now also an English version.
Last year Anne Mette's class was filled within one week! So if you want to take one or more of this year's classes, make sure to register NOW.
Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.