2014 will see some extraordinary Danish basket makers teaching at Lakeshore Willows. Anne Mette Hjornholm, Ane Lyngsgaard and Eva Seidenfaden are all some of Denmark's most accomplished, talented, internationally known willow artists. They are all members of the Danish willow artist group Baskets4Life.
I am so excited to be able to share some of their abundance of knowledge and experience with people interested in learning willow basketry in Canada and the US. In addition to mastering all the fundamentals they each have their personal preferences and styles. Visit their websites (click on their names above) for inspiration to decide on which classes to take this summer.
Anne Mette Hjornholm 's third annual visit with two 2-day classes in May will focus on round and oval bases as a fundamental part of a basket.
You can choose to participate in one of the classes or both classes where you over the 4 days work continuously on your projects. Baskets made during these classes will be of many different sizes, shapes, weaving techniques, handles, borders etc as participants choose what they want to make/learn guided by Anne Mette paying attention to the individual's prior experience.
To register for Anne Mette's classes visit my website here.

She will teach her petticoat basket and purses on a Catalan base on her 2-day class.
To register for Ane's classes visit my website here.
Eva Seidenfaden, who has visited British Columbia many times to teach willow basketry, will be teaching a 1-day class as well as a 2-day class.
Eva will teach the Polish breadbasket - Tatzca basket - on the one day class
For her 2-day class Eva has brought some unique wooden bases for you to make your very special basket on. You decide how the beautiful wood slices will play along with the willow to create baskets, containers of different sizes, shapes and styles.
To register for Eva's classes visit my website here.
Don't miss out - classes WILL fill up fast!
Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.