Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Dormant willow for planting

Winter has been unusually warm and friendly here this year and we are enjoying not to have to plow snow. That also means that we are able to harvest willow earlier than normal (unless we get a big storm) and I expect to have dormant willow available for sale during the first 2 weeks of March.

Willow cuttings

An assortment of willow cuttings for propagaion

The willow cuttings are approximately 10 inches long and ready for planting as soon as you can get them in the ground.
Use them for planting a willow bed for basketry or just for some beautiful willows in your garden.
For information and to order please go to our website here.

Willow rods (whips)
Example of dormant willow rods for propagation
Salix koriyanagi 'Rubykins'

The rods are approximately 6 feet long and can be used for living willow projects such as
Play huts and tunnels
Just installed play hut
Living willow fence (Fedge)

Living willow fence June the second year after installation

Woven trees in pots and in the garden
Trees just made
 First summer
After 5 years

Come and make your own tree - several designs available - in a nursery pot ready to take home. You can keep it in the pot on your patio for the first growing season and then transplant it to the garden in fall.

For information about 2016 spring workshops making living willow trees in pots please go to our website here.

Words and photos by Lene Rasmussen,Willows.